406.721.0785 spikers@spikercomm.com

What We Do

We build companies and brands.

We create conversations with your market, develop logos and brand positioning materials, make apps, execute focus groups, manage social and digital channels, produce films and TV spots, design and monitor websites, provide online positioning, tracking and research.

We never start with the usual. We start in remote corners where no one is expecting us to be.

For Rock Creek Cattle Company, one of the most remote locations in the country, let alone Montana, we took the factual positioning that this ranch was one of the original Lonesome Dove Cattle Drive ranches from 150 years ago and created a club brand and materials with worn, weathered leather and rusty metal snaps. This all looked and read like it was from that old-time cattle drive era.

We create and deliver experiences.

We create strategic marketing plans, orchestrate user experiences at retail or trade shows, design fruit and produce packaging, arrange product photography, concept brochures and sales sheets, and execute print, radio, outdoor advertising media scheduling and buying, and publicity programs, as well as digital and local media.
We understand the work we do today is no longer just about advertising.

We understand the work we do today is no longer just about advertising.

It is about creating conversations with our target audience, not just content. Customers don’t want a relationship with a company; they want a dialogue, a conversation with a company.

There are no hugs and kisses in advertising.

Architects are a unique breed. They take themselves very seriously and pride themselves on being the final word. We developed this campaign around a series of six separate mailers/love architects mailers to 300 of the West’s best architects in resort communities. The intent was to make them smile and be involved in the campaign with gifts of t-shirts, erasers and coffee mugs. The response was solid brand awareness and yes a few memorable chuckles.

Sure, we do billboards, great ones. But we do them when we know they will work.

Our ambition has always been to create real value for our clients. It’s not about playing it safe, or being afraid, it’s about being responsible with a client’s money, their brand, their image, and their target audiences.

When you’re having fun, great ideas happen.

We have named two new apple varieties and will continue to keep these brands fresh with engaging in-retail promotions at key accounts like Walmart and Kroger. With the SugarBee™ apple, we went further by creating an iconic character and story for the new apple variety. Included in the phased two-year product launch is an industry game changer – a holiday-themed pouch which encourages consumers to give an old-fashioned gift of apples to their family and friends. And most recently, we developed additional SugarBee personas to be featured in retail on PLU stickers. We even suited up in bee suits in order to film real honeybees during pollination to tell the whole story of this beautiful variety in a three-part SugarBee™ product announcement animated film. FYI, no bee was harmed in the making of this film series!